Vizrt Ltd. announced today a deal worth USD 660,000 for the implementation of newsroom, control room and studio production products with Hessischer Rundfunk (hr) in Germany. A new client, Hessischer Rundfunk is the public broadcaster of the state of Hesse, based in Frankfurt and member of the ARD consortium of regional public broadcasters in Germany. The broadcaster decided to purchase Vizrt products after a thorough comparison of different vendor offerings, concluding that Vizrt’s complete workflow best suited their needs.

The deal includes Viz Virtual Studio to create a highly flexible virtual set. Graphics and video from the customer’s newsroom control system (NRCS) are triggered to play in Viz Virtual Studio by a Mosart studio automation system in the control room.

For the newsroom workflow, Hessischer Rundfunk purchased Viz Pilot, Vizrt’s content and control application and the clip store component of Viz One, Vizrt’s video management system, for a complete newsroom content management workflow. Viz Pilot integrates with the customer’s NRCS and allows the journalist to create graphics based on templates. These graphics are added to a playlist in the NRCS along with clips from the Viz One clip store to be used as part of a virtual set in the studio.  (Source: Press release)