Vizrt Ltd. announced today a deal worth USD 1.6 million for the implementation of media asset management (MAM) products with a broadcaster in Asia-Pacific. The purchase is an upgrade of the customer’s existing MAM workflows to enterprise-scale. The broadcaster currently uses the Vizrt Ardome Media Asset Management, which is primarily managing transmission focused workflows. The customer is now looking to leverage the platform across other parts of the business and to take advantage of functionality available in the latest Viz One version.

The initial stage of the project is the installation of a new Viz One MAM system to act as a centralized storage area for all media within the enterprise, allowing for the use of this media across all areas of the business – including web, mobile devices, IPTV, and of course, broadcast television. Media will be accessible by the various departments throughout the organisation, such as archivists, editors, producers, engineers, sales and legal staff.

Subsequently, the existing Viz Ardome system workflows will be migrated to Viz One to allow all media to flow through one system, thereby maximising content flow efficiencies.

“In making this investment, the broadcaster will be able to leverage its content across various delivery channels, increasing its economic value, while at the same time improving efficiencies,” said Martin Burkhalter, Vizrt CEO. “This project solidifies Viz One as the premiere media asset management solution available in the market today.” (Source: Press release)