RT issues statement on broadcasting in Germany

9 February 2022

RT’s Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Anna Belkina, has issued a statement on broadcasting in Germany

“It is ironic that just the idea of a new TV news channel with a different voice appearing in Germany has made the local authorities, including the regulator MABB, so nervous and desperate, as to abandon their much-touted principles such as freedom of speech. Today, by once more threatening an independent production company that has nothing to do with RT DE’s entirely lawful and legitimate license to broadcast in Germany and other European countries, it was demonstrated that rules and regulations – including European conventions – and even the semblance of all logic, have been thrown out the window. By claiming that we are not responsible for our broadcasts here in Moscow MABB is ignoring facts, and painting a false reality to suit a clearly politically motivated threat.”

“We will not be removing our feeds or channels voluntarily, and encourage all platforms not to be bullied by MABB’s illegitimate demands. MABB’s actions have no basis in law, and are a clear attempt to overreach and impede the German people’s free access to information, protected under the ECTT (European Convention on Transfrontier Television). Any efforts by MABB to impede RT DE’s fully legitimate and properly obtained rights to broadcast will be met with legal challenge in all applicable jurisdictions, including Germany.”