The AIB is pleased to announce its first #iamabroadcaster Technology Masterclass in association with IABM.
This new event, taking place immediately before the IABM’s Annual Conference, aims to highlight the use of technology in creating, producing and delivering programming to consumers. It will also explore the mission-critical issue of cyber security in broadcasting, and look at the important work being done in digitising media archives to protect nations’ audio-visual history.
The event venue is the Radisson Blu Edwardian at London Heathrow. The half-day Masterclass is open to Members and non-members of both the AIB and IABM.
The cost for Members of either organisation is £55 per person. For non-members the charge is £80 per person.
0900 Registration
0930 Welcome and introduction
0940 Keeping the lights on
The threat of cyber-attacks against high value targets in the media industry has never been greater. In addition to the high profile attacks on Sony and TV5 Monde, broadcasters and other companies playing a vital role in the production and distribution of content throughout the world continue to be targeted by criminal gangs and rogue states.
The Association for International Broadcasting has been working to ensure that its Members are able to share information and expertise in a confidential forum to help minimise risk and ensure that networks remain on the air.
Taking part in a discussion that will explore the challenges and the way that technology suppliers can help ensure that programmes remain on air will be Jonathan Farrell, Head of Information Security at Arqiva and James Stubbs, Business Development Manager at Babcock MSS. Both have first-hand experience of how to make broadcast infrastructure resilient against attack and the need for all parts of the industry to act together to make sure that the attempts to take broadcasters off air, or to infiltrate their playout systems and online services, are stopped in their tracks.
1030 Coffee
1100 Content worth keeping
Preserving the past for the future – Private Engineering Office, Qatar
Although it’s a relatively young country, Qatar has an extensive analogue library of TV programming and film. In its original format, the content is inaccessible. That’s why the Qatari government has implemented what may be the world’s most concentrated and comprehensive digitisation project. It aims not only to preserve the content but also to analyse the material, employing historians to tag the programming and then to make it easily accessible for citizens and scholars, now and in the future.
In this session, we’ll learn about the project and how it has been implemented. We’ll find out whether the systems developed in Qatar can be replicated elsewhere as the world’s audio-visual history cries out for preservation against a backdrop of obsolescent formats and rapidly deteriorating archives.
Sanjay Salil, Managing Director of global media services company MediaGuru will explain the work that has gone into the Qatar project.
1140 Enabling story-telling
How is technology enabling story-telling? Is the equipment that’s available today meeting all the editorial requirements of programme makers? In an environment where consumers are always on and want content delivered anytime, anywhere, can technology companies deliver what’s demanded by journalists, editors, producers and directors? In a wide-ranging discussion involving key players working at the sharp end of live broadcasting, we’ll also hear from consumers in Europe, North America and the Middle East about the way they choose content and the means of consumption. Expect some surprises along the way.
Martin Davies, Founder of Between the Posts Productions will be in conversation with Wesley Dodd, CEO of Celebro Studios.
1240 Close
1300 Networking lunch