France 24 offers advertising inventory to ecological transition organisations

29 November 2023

Following the call for applications for “Green Solidarity Campaigns” which took place last summer, France Médias Monde is offering several associations committed to the ecological transition a campaign of 30 spots on the France 24 channel in French, broadcast globally.

The seven selected associations were selected by an internal committee, on the basis of a reasoned application file and a proposal for a TV spot aimed at presenting a concrete action or an awareness campaign in the fight against climate change or protection of biodiversity.

  • CARE France for its campaign “Climate change is sexist” alerting to the fact that girls and women are the first affected by the impacts of climate change and highlighting climate “heroines”.

  • LE GRET for its project to create a marine protected area in favor of biodiversity, carried out in an inclusive and participatory manner with the various local stakeholders, on Sainte-Marie Island in Madagascar.
  • THE LÉO LAGRANGE FEDERATION for the deployment of “Carbone Scol’ERE”, an environmental education program that is fun, positive and eco-citizen commitment, for students aged 9 to 12.
  • AGRONOMERS & VETERINARIES WITHOUT BORDERS for its awareness campaign on agroecology, the way forward for the most vulnerable farming families. 
  • TEERA AFRICA for its actions to protect, with local stakeholders, biodiversity and particularly mangroves, in Benin. 
  • CLUB ENVIRONNEMENT YOFF for its actions in favor of environmental protection in Senegal.
  • TERRE DE LIENS for its awareness campaign “Make farms grow”  in favor of the preservation of agricultural land and the installation of farmers engaged in organic farming .

Their campaigns will be broadcast on France 24 in the coming weeks.

Calls for applications of the same nature will soon be launched by France Médias Monde for the group’s radio channels, RFI and MCD.