France 24 consolidates its European media position

According to the Ipsos Affluent Survey Europe 2021* carried out in 2020 with opinion leaders in 21 European countries, France 24 has made tremendous progress in terms of both awareness and reach.
The international news channel – which operates in French, English, Spanish and Arabic – has recorded the highest increase in awareness amongst all the international news channels: up 10.4 points in one year. 47% of opinion leaders say that they know about the channel and 4.7% watch it every week (+0.6 point). France 24’s weekly viewership has increased significantly in French-speaking countries (France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland) as well as in Portugal, Spain and Turkey.
The excellent performances on TV are complemented by the channel’s success on digital platforms: 5.5% of opinion leaders visit its websites each month (+0.7 point).
In total, more than 7.1 million European opinion leaders (+1.5 point within a year) are in contact with France 24 each month, on television or online.
*Source: Ipsos Affluent Survey – Europe 2021, surveys lead from January to December 2020 in Top 20% of households by income in each of 21 countries across Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, The United Kingdom and Russia (Moscow and Saint-Petersburg).