AIB The Channel April 2004 - page 3

Published by The Association for International Broadcasting
a non-profit making company limited by guarantee and registered in England
The Channel - ISSN 1477-8718
© The Association for International Broadcasting April 2004
Sam Woollett
T +44 (0) 7759 394 916
AIB Head Office
PO Box 990, London SE3 9XL, UK T +44 (0) 20 8297 3993
F +44 (0) 20 8297 0343
and typesetting in house by AIB
by Times Printers Pte Ltd, Singapore
4 Global brief
12 Wake up to DTH
How small new players are now entering the global media market via satellite
14 International broadcasters poll Iraq
Is life better for people in Iraq one year after the war? A group of major
broadcasters wanted to find out
17 AIB Global Media Business Conference - Prague
Everything you need to know about the third annual summit of the international
broadcasting industry taking place in Prague on 12 and 13 March - from the
agenda to life in the city, plus a look at Czech public service broadcasting
Production technology and training
26 Systems and hardware - directory
A three page guide to the leading suppliers of systems and hardware for
production and automation
30 Wicam-C scores with football fans
Wireless cameras are revolutionising sports coverage on TV.
The Channel
finds out why they’re heading for victory
32 AIB interview
Gerda Meuer,
head of the new training academy at Deutsche Welle
35 Going for gold
Working in partnership is key to success in the media world of today.
GlobeCast and Tandberg have teamed up in the sports arena
36 Building the wall and feeding the set
Britain’s ITV News has a bold new look with a wall in its set that talks. We find
out how ITN, the news provider, has gone about making this work
40 Schools for news
Newsroom systems in schools? Absolutely, if you want the next generation of
journalists to start working on programmes from their first day!
42 AIB interview
Rahul Deshpande
, NDTV Systems Manager in Delhi
44 Managing the media
Media asset management is about your business, not the technology, says
Tony Taylor of Mediaflex
47 Show previews - Broadcast Asia 2004 and NAB 2004
49 Inside the AIB
News about the AIB, our growing membership and latest lobbying, plus news
from AIB partners
April 2004
Investing in the future : 32
Sports Broadcasting : from 20
Al Hurra launches : 9
The wall that talks : 36
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