A new study by the EBU Media Intelligence Service shows that:

  • Broadcast media and print media “increased their level of trust compared to last year, the Internet and social media lost even more trust. The trust gap between broadcast and social media is widening.” Level of trust in print media is at a neutral level (0%)
  • Broadcast media are trusted: “out of the 33 countries surveyed, radio is the most trusted media (overall trust index +25%) in 24 countries, and TV (overall trust index +6%) in six countries”
  • Social media are by far the least trusted media: in 28 out of 33 countries, social networks are the media people trust the least (overall trust index -42%), followed by online media (-17%). The majority of these countries are Western European.
  • Over the 2012-2017 period radio and TV always ranked as the most trusted. Print media recovers from overall trust index of -14% to level (0%). Online and social media overall trust index keeps declining to all-time-low levels from, respectively -9% to -17% and -33% to -42%